
Taj Mahal Palace Hotel

Photo ID: 40067

Uploaded date: 20-12-2020

Views: 682

Photo by: Soumyadip Ghosh

Category: Places

The original building of the Taj Mahal Palace hotel was commissioned by Tata. Its doors opened to guests on 16 December 1903. It is widely believed that Jamsetji Tata decided to build the hotel after he was refused entry to one of the city's grand hotels of the time, Watson's Hotel, as it was restricted to "whites only". However, this story has been challenged by many commentators who suggest that Tata was most unlikely to have been concerned with 'revenge' against his British adversaries. Instead, the Taj was built at the urging of editor of The Times of India who felt a hotel "worthy of Bombay" was needed and as a "gift to the city he loved" by Tata.


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