
Dondi Rituals

Photo ID: 41230

Uploaded date: 22-02-2021

Views: 740

Photo by: Saurabh Sirohiya

Category: People

Dondi. A ritual of belief, a ritual of hardship, a ritual of doing that no one would do. The devotess wriggle on their belly through a long distance to reach the temple shrine, and they believe, that their prayers will be heard. And all this was done during a very hot summer afternoon. So the families of the devotee pour waters on street to prevent them from getting burnt. Every year on Sitala Puja, i.e. Mid of April this huge ritual of Dondi take place in Kalighat Area of Kolkata.

#Dondi   #Kalighat   #Kolkata   #Rituals   #Festival   #Devotess  

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