
India gate

Photo ID: 46264

Uploaded date: 24-08-2022

Views: 450

Photo by: Jagath Murali

Category: Places

So I was going here and there through the streets of Delhi then I realised that I didn't go to India Gate I turned on Google maps and it was roughly 10 minute walk away I walked and reached India gate that time I realise that it was not open to the public until 2024. Not knowing what to do I was standing there that time I saw a military officer standing there. I told him that I am coming from Kerala and I desperately want to see this place and click the photo. He then asked me if I was from Kerala. yes I am, he opened the fence and took me to the India gate I was accommodate by him during the whole time I took as much photos as I wanted and left their with a whole heart and delightful mind.


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