
Vishram Ghat

Photo ID: 46577

Uploaded date: 06-11-2022

Views: 805

Photo by: Manu Shrivastava

Category: Places

The Vishram ghat is lined with elegant temples and some of Mathura's most important shrines that include Mukut Temple, Radha-Damodar, Murali Manohar, Neelkantheshwar, Yamuna-Krishna, Langali Hanuman and Narasimha temples. During the evening, aarti is held and little oil lamps are floated on the river which is a beautiful sight to watch. On the occasion of Bhaiduj or Yama Dwitiya which falls on the third day after Diwali, brother sister duo take holy dip on the ghats. Visitors can also enjoy the scenic views of the river and temple on a boat ride at the ghat.


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