
जिंदगी का सार छुपा हैं इन गंगा के घाटो पर, एक अद्भुत एहसास हुआ गंगा आरती

Photo ID: 46748

Uploaded date: 04-12-2022

Views: 380

Photo by: Amey

Category: People

The place in rishikesh where there are two bridge , Ram julla & Laxman Julla .. so this is ram Julla ... the guy standing down was the solo traveler n he asked me wbu everything about this heritage place n river ganga... so he wanted to visit both the thing from near by so i took this photo while he was mesmerising the view.... 🙏🏽(Rishikesh has spectacular view of jungle-clad hills. Rishikesh has also confluence of River Ganges and Chandrabhaga. The glorious attraction of Rishikesh is none other than the great river Ganges herself, running rapidly throughout the city.)


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