
Rakher upobash fastival

Photo ID: 47344

Uploaded date: 26-02-2023

Views: 378

Photo by: Subhankar Saha

Category: People

Rakher Upobash. Every year thousands of Hindu devotees gather in front of Shri Shri Lokenath Brahmachari Ashram temple for the Kartik Brati or Rakher Upobash religious festival in Barodi, Near Dhaka, Bangladesh. Faithful sit in front of candles light ( named locally as Prodip ) and absorb in prayer. Lokenath Brahmachari who is called Baba Lokenath was an 18th Century Hindu saint and philosopher in Bengal. Hindu worshipers fast and pray in earnest to the gods for their favors during the traditional ritual called Kartik Brati or Rakher Upobash.Barodi, near Dhaka, Bangladesh .


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