
Mahalaya in West Bengal

Photo ID: 48482

Uploaded date: 14-10-2023

Views: 354

Photo by: Kaustav Ghosh

Category: Nature

Why is Mahalaya celebrated? Mahalaya is derived from Sanskrit words meaning "Great Abode" and signifies the goddess Durga's journey from Kailash to Earth. The day is celebrated with the recitation of the hymn "Mahishasura Mardini" and various customs and traditions. Therefore, Mahalaya signifies the advent of Goddess Durga, and the festival devoted to her worship, Durga Puja commences. During Mahalaya, the older members of the family pay homage to their forebears by conducting Tarpan, a ceremony in which water is offered to the souls of their ancestors on the banks of the Ganga.

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